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An object is only as beautiful as the environment in which it’s made. That’s why we travel the globe to bring the world’s best craftsmanship home to you. Each design is made by the most incredible artisans with the finest materials. All made start-to-finish with fair trade standards.


Mon - Fri: 8 am - 8 pm ET
Saturdays: 11 am - 4 pm ET

22 Crosby Street
New York City, New York

Mon - Sat: 11AM - 7PM

Sun: 12PM - 6PM

View Store

105 Fillmore St Ste 109
Denver, CO 80206

Mon-Sat: 10AM - 6PM

Sun: 12PM - 5PM

View Store
00° 21' 38'' N 32° 44' 45'' E
The Women Of Mukono
Employs 32 Artisans
“I am proud to be an artisan because, through weaving, I am able to take care of myself and my family. I have made many friends through this job and become influential in my village. I hope to see more ladies inspired to join and change their lives.”
- Justine, Head of Cooperative

In Uganda, weaving often provides women with a way and a means to make a better life for future generations. Such is the case with this group of strong ladies – all mothers, and all working to provide for their families.

As mothers tend to do, this particular group of women inspires those around them. They work hard at perfecting their craft, weaving some of the most beautiful goods we’ve ever seen. They pride themselves on their creativity and ability to create outside of the box. And as a result, they’ve inspired others to take up weaving as a means to provide for their families. As well as teaching their own daughters this time-honored craft.

This group is proud, influential, and driven to see change. We couldn’t find a better cause to stand behind.