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An object is only as beautiful as the environment in which it’s made. That’s why we travel the globe to bring the world’s best craftsmanship home to you. Each design is made by the most incredible artisans with the finest materials. All made start-to-finish with fair trade standards.


Mon - Fri: 8 am - 8 pm ET
Saturdays: 11 am - 4 pm ET

22 Crosby Street
New York City, New York

Mon - Sat: 11AM - 7PM

Sun: 12PM - 6PM

View Store

105 Fillmore St Ste 109
Denver, CO 80206

Mon-Sat: 10AM - 6PM

Sun: 12PM - 5PM

View Store
28° 40' 11'' N 77° 25' 32'' E
Woodworkers of Pradesh
Employs 75 Artisans
"Our artisans are the key to [our] business and are really important. They are well-skilled and educated about their art which makes our designs unique and special."
- Sambhu, Head of Design

At this workshop in Ghaziabad, India, every piece is a work of generations. Each artisan has mastered a range of techniques and materials. It’s this attention to detail and respect for traditional craftsmanship that sets them apart, creating a rich foundation for innovation.

Working with a wide assortment of materials, these nimble craftsmen work with close to 20 different types of wood, much of which is sourced locally from just outside Delhi. After these beautiful sheets of acacia, teak, white ash, and more arrive at the workshop, it can take about 3 weeks to turn them into a finished work of art. All made start to finish in a fair trade environment.

Founded in 2005, this workshop has grown to support over 70 artisans, most of whom live in the surrounding area with their families. A vital part of this community, this workshop is creating the future of Indian craftsmanship, one masterpiece at a time.